[Tennjin Matsuri]

Osaka’s Tennjin Matsuri, Tokyo’s Kanda Matsuri, and Kyoto’s Gion Matsuri, are the 3 main festivals in Japan.

Tennjin Matsuri is the big festival in summer. There are around 130 million people come to visit this festival in Osaka city every year. The festival vigil (Japanese called Yomiya) is on July 24th and the main festival (Japanese called Honguu) is always the next day, July 25th every year.

On the 25th, the night of Honguu, many boats will come and go around the main river, Japanese called this traditional event Funatogyo. There is also a dedicatory firework held every 25th night.

The bonfire and lantern light is reflected in the river with the beauty of the firework which become an event that people called “The festival of fire and water”.
