Inagi city is blessed with green and waterside surrounded by the Tama River and the Tama hills.
In the hilly area, there are many ancient ruins where were easy to live since the Jomon period, and there are also many shrines and temples.
The Inagi City Regional Museum is exhibiting the history, folklore, education and specimens of Inagi City.
It is a very convenient museum to comprehensively compile and to know the history and lifestyle of Tokyo suburbs.
It consists of three exhibition rooms, and it is also a characteristic that the museum is utilizing an old school building.

■ History Room ? ? The history of Inagi City from the ancient era to the present age are exhibited along the 17 themes. You can see various historical materials such as earthenware and stoneware, ancient roof tiles, old documents of the Edo period.
■ Folk Exhibition Room ? ? ? Folk materials of Inagi are divided into 6 themes and displayed. Tools for agricultural work, tools for annual events, fishery equipment in the Tama River, tools used in regional performing arts, and so on.
(The picture shows a shallow ship across the Tama River)
■Education and specimen exhibition room ? ? ? Exhibit materials such as memorials and photographs of the former Inagi 5th and 8th elementary school and specimens of butterflies and insects collected by former Inagi High School Outdoor Activities Club are exhibited.

○ Place Inagi City, Hirao 1-9-1 (complex facility,2F).
○ Opening day Tuesday ? Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. , holidays 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
○ Closed days Every Monday, New Year's holidays, Special organizing period