
Rediscovering the Charms of Miyazu City

Did you know? A place to feel the true essence of Japan. This time, I’m introducing a tourist spot where history and modernity merge, Miyazu City in Kyoto Prefecture.

Table of Contents

Rediscover the Charm of Miyazu City

Miyazu City is a fascinating tourist destination that retains the richness of Japan's heart and history. With its long-standing traditional events, beautiful natural landscapes, and modern entertainment, Miyazu City offers visitors an unforgettable experience.

Traditional Event from the Edo Period: "Miyazu Festival"

History and Overview of Miyazu Festival

The Miyazu Festival is a traditional annual event that has continued since the Edo period and is held from May 13th to 15th each year. This festival, where the gods of Sanno Shrine and Hiyoshi Shrine are invited to the castle town to pray for peace, features mikoshi (portable shrines), kagura (sacred music and dance), and floating taiko (drums) parading through the town.

Highlights and Experiences

The dynamic movements of the mikoshi accompanied by the spirited shouts of the men, the rhythmic beat of the drums, and the comical lion dances are the main attractions. The festival revives the bustle of the former castle town, drawing many spectators.

Event Information
Event Dates: May 13th - 15th every year
Locations: [Mikoshi, Kagura, and Taiko Parade] Sanno Shrine, Hiyoshi Shrine, and surrounding areas
[Food Stalls] Around Kamegaoka Children's Park (only on the 15th)
Contact: Amanohashidate Tourist Association TEL 0772-22-8030
Website: https://www.amanohashidate.jp/

Myouken-san and the Serpent Event: Local Folklore

The Significance of Myouken-san

Myouken-san is located at the summit of Myouken Mountain, east of Myouken Temple, and hosts the "Serpent Event" annually on August 7th since 1662. This event, designated as an intangible cultural property of Tokyo, involves cutting green reeds and weaving a 150-meter-long serpent to pray for protection from evil.

Charm of the Serpent Event

This event, cherished as a rare form of folklore in Japan, continues to be loved by the local people. The process of creating the serpent and the ritual for protection are worth seeing.

Introducing Miyazu Curry Yakisoba: Soul Food

History of Miyazu Curry Yakisoba

After experiencing local events, indulge in Miyazu's Curry Yakisoba. Created by a Taiwanese chef, Mr. Wang, shortly after WWII, this noodle dish features a unique soup with curry spices and is now beloved as Miyazu's soul food.

Recommended Restaurants
Miyazu City has over 10 restaurants offering curry yakisoba. Among them, "Tonchinkan" is highly recommended. It is located about a 10-minute walk from the Serpent Event area.
Address: 1951-4, Shinhamacho, Miyazu City
TEL: 0772-22-5145
For more details on Miyazu Curry Yakisoba, contact the Tango Tourist Information Center at 0772-22-8030 or visit here.

Amanohashidate: One of Japan's Three Scenic Views

Amanohashidate, known for its white sands and approximately 6,700 pine trees, has long fascinated many people. From the Amanohashidate View Land, you can enjoy the spectacular "Flying Dragon View" by looking at the pine forest through your legs.

Details of Amanohashidate
Amanohashidate is a 3.6-kilometer-long sandbar that separates Miyazu Bay and Aso Bay in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture. As one of Japan's three scenic views, it attracted 1,781,900 visitors in 2013, making it the top tourist destination in Kyoto Prefecture, excluding Kyoto City. The sandbar is characterized by its white sand and the lush green pine trees.
Location: Monju, Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture 626-0001

Winter Amanohashidate: Stunning Snow-Covered Scenery

Amanohashidate is known for its beautiful white sand and green pine trees and is bustling with beachgoers in the summer, but in winter, it transforms into a different spectacle. The highlight is when the pine needles are frozen and covered with fresh snow, creating a stunningly white landscape that looks like a white painting. This fleeting view is worth seeing before it disappears as the day warms up.

Snowshoe Trekking

In the mountains surrounding Amanohashidate, you can enjoy snowshoe trekking in winter. Guided tours allow you to observe winter flora and fauna while walking through snow-covered mountains, providing a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in nature. Breathing in the fresh air while enjoying snow trekking is a winter-exclusive experience.

Snowshoe Trekking
Contact: Seya Ecotourism Guide Association TEL 0772-45-1625 (via Miyazu City Tourism and Settlement Division)
Amanohashidate Activity Center TEL 090-9047-5896
Website: https://www.amanohashidate.jp/spot/aac/

Winter Delicacy: Fresh Crab Dishes "Kopp-don"

The king of winter delicacies, known locally in the Tango region as "Koppe," includes Sekogani, Koubako Crab, and Seiko Crab. These crabs are also known by different names in other regions, such as "Parent Crab" (Tottori region) and "Koubako Crab" (Echizen region). You can enjoy the rich crab miso and the texture of the internal and external roe during the limited period from early November to the end of December. The special flavor nurtured by the harsh winter cold is unique to this season.

Recommended Restaurants

At "Baisen" in Monju, Miyazu City, you can enjoy the limited-time Sekogani Don. The bright orange roe and rich crab miso are exquisite.

Address: 644, Monju, Miyazu City
TEL: 0772-22-5145
For other restaurants, please contact the Tango Tourist Information Center.
Tango Tourist Information Center TEL 0772-22-8030


Miyazu City is a wonderful tourist destination where Japanese tradition and modern charm blend together. From historical festivals and folklore events to delicious winter gourmet foods, there are plenty of spots worth visiting. Be sure to visit Miyazu City and experience its rich culture and nature. For more details on sightseeing in Miyazu City, please contact the following.

Tango Tourist Information Center TEL 0772-22-8030
Amanohashidate Tourist Association Website: https://www.amanohashidate.jp/

Experience the charm of Miyazu City now!