
Rediscover the Charm of Otsuki City

Did you know? Experience the true charm of Otsuki City, Japan.
This time, we are introducing natural experiences around Mount Fuji in Otsuki City.

Table of Contents

Access to Otsuki City and Natural Experiences

Otsuki City is located about an hour by train from Tokyo and is blessed with rich nature. Within the city, you can enjoy experiences that make full use of nature, such as stream fishing and agricultural experiences. Specific spots include the following locations.

Narago Fishing Center

At Narago Fishing Center, you can enjoy fishing for rainbow trout, char, and yamame trout in a managed fishing spot using natural streams. They also offer barbecue sets that can be enjoyed without any preparation, allowing you to relax in the great outdoors with family and friends.

Address: 4218 Narago, Otsuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Official Website: Narago Fishing Center

Kanano Mori Inn

At the countryside inn "Kanano Mori Inn" in Maki, Otsuki City, you can enjoy stream fishing and river play. The fish you catch can be barbecued on the spot, and there are plenty of outdoor activities such as shower climbing.

Address: 2130 Maki, Otsuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Official Website: Kanano Mori Inn

Maruyama Fruit Farm

At Maruyama Fruit Farm, you can enjoy cherry picking, peach picking, and grape picking according to the season. The experience of picking fresh fruits by yourself is an activity that can be enjoyed by both children and adults.

Address: 2261 Kuronoda, Sasago-cho, Otsuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Official Website: Otsuki City Tourism Association Maruyama Fruit Farm

Saruhashi Bridge

Saruhashi Bridge, which can be seen in Hiroshige's "Koyo Saruhashi no Zu" and Jippensha Ikku's "Shokoku Dochuki Kin no Waraji," is one of Japan's three unusual bridges along with "Kintai Bridge in Iwakuni" and "Kiso's Kakehashi."

Unique Structure
Although the wooden bridge is only 31 meters long and 3.3 meters wide, the gorge is 31 meters deep, so bridge piers cannot be built. Instead, the bridge is supported by four layers of protruding timbers extending from both banks.

Bridge and Gorge
Saruhashi Bridge was designated a national scenic beauty spot in Showa 7 due to its impressive harmony with the surrounding natural scenery. Hiroshige's "Koyo Saruhashi no Zu" is also famous.

Address: Saruhashi, Saruhashi-cho, Otsuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Official Website: Otsuki City Tourism Association Saruhashi

Shuurei Fugaku Twelve Views

The view of Mount Fuji from Otsuki City is exceptional, with the front mountains overlapping with Mount Fuji, making it look like it's wearing twelve layers of kimono. Otsuki City has designated 12 mountain areas with beautiful views of Mount Fuji as "Shuurei Fugaku Twelve Views," which are popular spots for hiking.

Representative Mountains

  • Iwadono Mountain: Elevation 634m. The view of Mount Fuji is outstanding, and you can overlook the entire Otsuki City and Mount Fuji from the summit.
  • Hoshyagamori: Elevation 1,631m. The well-maintained hiking trail can be enjoyed by beginners to advanced hikers.
  • Mitsutoge Mountain: Elevation 1,785m. The scenery at sunset is particularly beautiful and worth seeing.
  • Tsuruagatoyama: Elevation 1,331m. You can enjoy the nature of the four seasons, and it is easily accessible.

For more information about the Shuurei Fugaku Twelve Views, please visit the official website of the Otsuki City Tourism Association.
Official Website: Otsuki City Tourism Association Shuurei Fugaku Twelve Views

Attractions of Iwadono Mountain and Surrounding Facilities

Iwadono Mountain is popular as a spot where you can enjoy cherry blossoms and Mount Fuji at the same time. The Iwadono Mountain Fureai Hall is located halfway up the mountain and is modeled after a medieval mansion. Inside the hall, there is a photo gallery of the mountaineer photographer Shiro Shirahata, who is from Otsuki City, and award-winning works from photo contests themed on Mount Fuji are displayed.

Address: 1024 Iwadono Mountain, Otsuki City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Official Website: Iwadono Mountain Fureai Hall


Otsuki City is a wonderful tourist destination where rich nature and culture are fused. Through natural experiences and cultural experiences, feel the richness and warmth of Japan's heart. Through your stay in Otsuki City, refresh both body and mind and create unforgettable memories. Why not visit Otsuki City for your next vacation and experience the true charm of Japan? For detailed information and travel plans, please visit the official website.

Official Website: Otsuki City Tourism Association

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