Juicy Bliss

Do you know about Japanese pears? Today, we introduce you to the "Inagi Pears" that Inagi City in Tokyo proudly offers.

When you hear "pear," some might think of a tasteless fruit, but that ends today. Japanese pears are sweet, juicy, and refreshing, especially when enjoyed in the summer.

Tokyo's Proud Pear-Producing Region

The story of Inagi pears dates back about 300 years to the Genroku era. The journey began when Heiemon Masuoka and Sajirou Kawashima, officials of Naganuma Village, brought back the "Awayuki" pear seedling from Kyoto and planted it in Inagi. When summer arrives, the Inagi pear orchards become lively. These pears, rich in juice and sweetness, fill your mouth with their flavor, making them a luxurious taste of summer. Unlike European pears, Japanese pears have a refreshing sweetness and crisp texture, making them the best in the world.

The variety named "Inagi" is particularly special, known for its softness and abundant juice. Its sweetness is unforgettable once you taste it. This pear is rarely found in the market, available only at farmers' direct sales outlets or through delivery, earning it the name "phantom pear."

In recent years, despite challenges such as a decrease in agricultural workers and climate change, the pear farmers of Inagi City have continued to preserve their cherished traditions. The result of their efforts is the "Inagi Pear" brand, which they proudly present to the nation. Inagi pears symbolize the rich history and tradition of Inagi City, along with its beautiful scenery. Their rich juice and strong sweetness leave a lasting impression. Eating these pears on a hot summer day will undoubtedly bring a smile to your face. Please visit Inagi City and taste this phantom pear for yourself.

Inagi pears, with their beauty and taste, are a testament to Japan's excellence. We hope many people come to know the flavor crafted from nature's blessings and the farmers' efforts.

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