Mystical Nature's Scenic Treasure

Do you know Esuzaki in Susami Town, Wakayama Prefecture?
This time, I am introducing the famous scenic spot of Karekinada that juts out into the vast Pacific Ocean.

The Mysterious Island, Esuzaki

Located in Susami Town, Wakayama Prefecture, Esuzaki is a land-connected island that juts out into the vast Pacific Ocean.

It is renowned as a representative scenic spot of Karekinada and is also recognized as a geosite.

At the center of this island stands Esuzaki Shrine, which has been revered as a guardian deity by the local people for centuries.

The shrine's precincts are lush with subtropical plants, and this dense forest is protected as a national natural monument, often referred to as the "Ancient Dense Forest."

When you step into this land, you feel a sense of timeless serenity and the breath of nature.

The plants and rocks on the island are protected from logging and exploitation, preserving their primitive state to this day.

If you reach the tip of the island where Esuzaki Lighthouse stands, you will be greeted by the breathtaking view of Karekinada spreading out before you.

The sound of the waves quietly envelops your ears, and the serene scenery deeply imprints itself on the hearts of those who visit.

Please visit this place once, and see for yourself the beauty woven by nature and history.

Official Website of Susami Town Tourism Association